Project Description
Wanted: Tony Frederickson & Rick Bowen wanted the WBS website to be a hub for fans and musicians to share and collaborate together. As the second largest Blues organization in the world, they already had a large audience. The website needed to be attractive to all kinds of musicians and fans as to congregate the music community with the focal point being a comprehensive calendar. The calendar and their highly successful BluesLetter with a distribution to over 800 members, were to be the featured content, along with venues, artists, and merchandise.
Provided: It was clear from the beginning that we were engaged to build a social media site with the calendar being the main driver for interaction. We determined the hierarchy of users, ranging from site visitors to subscribers, members and WBS administration. We offered multiple template options and settled on one that allowed for the desired functionality, and then customized it for their target audiences. We gave members the ability to build individual and band profiles, giving them access to message boards and groups, and allowing for the promotion of their own content by linking to popular external sites also serving as forums for promoting music and events to the larger community.